Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014

Short Biography

My name is Fabia Rombach, and I was born in 1994 in the very west of Germany. After I graduated from jr. high school in Germany, I went on an exchange to Vanderhoof, BC in the beautiful country of Canada for one year. I will complete my high school education after grade 13 in 2015. After that I will continue attending post secondary education in a German university.

I am interested in all kinds of social interactions such as international relations, politics, culture, drama, languages or international news. I spent my free time making music and producing art and I am trying to improve with every work I finish. I was very glad that I could finally get into a media arts class in Canada, because I didn't have the chance to do so in Germany. I have been making jewelry for many years as a hobby. Right now I am making jewelery as presents for friends and family and I try to publish all of my work on this blog.

Thank you for visiting!

Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012

Fabia in Canada in media arts!

Welcome to my Media Arts blog - Dear World , Internet, interested peolpe and Friends!

it turnes out that I got pretty international since I went to Canada, so this is my very first English speaking blog!

This is my platform for publishing all my art work e.g. results from my media arts class and mainly jewelry I made. I hope it will fill up very quickly!

have fun looking through!

Yours Fabia (from Germany)